New year, new start! The new year is a great time to change old habits and put yourself on a path of health and wellbeing, whether personally or in business. The new year can often be a quiet time for many industries and using this period to give yourself and your business some headspace is never a bad thing. Don’t wait until the spring to get your business in order. Here are some things you could be doing right now to cut your costs and improve your company’s profitability.
Business cost saving in 2018: Five business cost reductions you could be making right now
What is GDPR and how will affect business?
The new GDPR regulations come into effect on 25th May 2018 – is your business ready?
What is GDPR?
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a set of rules which bring the current data protection rules up to date to cope with the changing landscape in information and data technology. It is an EU mandate which is designed to set a standard for data protection rules for all EU citizens. If you market to individuals within any of the EU states, then you need to be compliant with GDPR. [Read more…]
How to reduce your business postage costs
If Christmas brings one thing home to us as a business, it’s how much postage costs! Did you know – the price of a standard letter first class stamp is now 65p? Since 2007, the rise in the price of a first-class stamp has outstripped inflation. If the price had followed inflation, then a standard stamp should cost around 42p. 65p is almost scandalous. It’s no wonder that many people are moving away from sending physical mail. [Read more…]
Three Top Tips to Improve your Cash Flow Right Now
Christmas can be a lucrative time for business, but it can also be expensive. Servicing high customer demand costs money – overtime payments for staff, Christmas bonuses and hospitality, and increased winter energy costs means any extra revenue has the danger of not actually increasing your profit margin at all.
When your assets are all tied up in premises, stock, and sales ledger but you have no actual cash to play with, things can get a little worrying. Here are our top tips for easing that temporary cash flow crises, whatever time of the year you find things a little tricky. [Read more…]
3 Areas Where You Can Reduce Your Business Costs Right Now
Do you want to make savings in your business right now? You can. It may be that you have to wait until the actual savings can be made, but it’s never a bad time to create an action plan for business cost saving.
There will be some business costs that are fixed costs and are fixed until a specific date. Rent on your premises is a good example of this. For these expenses, you should take note of when contracts are due for renewal and make plans to shop around or to renegotiate your deal in advance, if only to save you renewing your contract in a last-minute flap never knowing if you got the best deal or not. [Read more…]
Why hire a cost reduction consultant?
We often get asked about the benefits of hiring a business cost reduction consultant. We may be biased but we believe that to get the most out of a cost reduction programme, it is well worth hiring a specialist in cost reductions. Yes, you can do some things yourself but with specialist knowledge of current trends, you may find yourself saving even more. As our fee is based on a percentage of what we can save you, there’s nothing to lose by instructing us, either as an add-on to what you’re already doing, or to do the whole job.
Here are three good reasons why we think hiring a professional cost reduction consultant makes sense [Read more…]
Cost Reduction in Business: Recruitment and Staff Retention
If you hire people to work in your business then you’ll know how expensive it can get – not only on their wage but also on holidays, in-work perks, ongoing training and development, and bonuses. That’s once they’re on board; getting good staff to join your company can also prove to be a costly exercise. But that’s not to say it’s not worth it because hiring on the cheap could impact negatively on both your company’s future productivity and its profitability. [Read more…]
Reducing your business costs through Shrinkflation
Last week, there was outrage across social media as McVities announced that in order to keep their costs down and pass on savings to customers, they would be reducing the quantity of Jaffa Cakes from 12 per box to 10. Outrage! See for the full story.
What is more outrageous is that retailers aren’t actually under any obligation to reduce the sale price. The manufacturer, after all, can only set a recommended retail price. Any increased profits from the reduced wholesale cost and the stagnant sale price will be passed on to the retailer. I think it’s highly likely that retailers will oblige McVities in reducing the sale price of Jaffa Cakes, and consumers will at least see some of the savings.
What is Shrinkflation?
5 companies who have cut business costs and improved profitability
As specialists in reducing business costs, we know that cost reduction is not as simple as turning off all the lights and plunging the office into darkness. We know how a business operates and we know the right areas where you should be cutting costs, and where you should proceed with caution.
Business cost reduction is more than just negotiating prices with your suppliers and cost efficiencies can be found in all manner of ways you may not have considered. To give you an idea of what we mean here are 5 examples of how businesses reduced their costs: [Read more…]
How to reduce your business energy costs in 3 easy steps
A common area where we can help businesses like yours to save money is in energy. Electricity and gas can be a huge expense for many businesses and even for small businesses, changes in how you use and pay for energy can reap some nice savings. But saving on business energy costs when your business’s core function is demanding your focus can be easier said than done.
Here are our steps for helping you reduce the energy you use and the money you spend on it [Read more…]